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Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of the Islamic Special Religious Education (ISRE) program and Islamic Council of NSW (ICNSW). It may be reproduced for not-for-profit educational or personal use, in schools or in homes without formal permission or charge, with acknowledgement of ISRE and ICNSW’s copyright. All material must be reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading, defamatory or derogatory context.
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For permission to use the information on this website for any other purpose, please contact ISRE.
This website may provide links to other sites. Permission to use copyrighted materials from other sites must be obtained from the copyright owner.
Free-to-download images, articles, factsheets and other resources
While the content on the ISRE website is publicly-accessible, all content (text, images, logos) is the copyright of ISRE and ICNSW.
Copyright queries should be directed in the first instance to ISRE.
ISRE only licenses users to download and print content (including images) subject to their adherence to the following Conditions of Use. By their use of the content (including images), users agree to follow these Conditions of Use:
– The content of the ISRE website may not be used for any commercial, for profit or moneymaking purposes.
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– Educational institutions may make print-outs and photocopies for distribution to students, if not linked to any commercial, profit or moneymaking purposes.
– The content (including images) may not be re-published in print or electronic form without permission from ISRE and ICNSW.