Lesson 6 – Prophet Sulaiman AS

All Stages

Prophet Sulaiman AS and the story of Ants 

Prophet Sulaiman AS and the Queen of Sheba

Early Stage 1 to Stage 2 (Years 1 to 4)

Dawud Wharnsby – Animals Love Quran (nasheed)
Duration: 2:30 mins

Stage 3 (Years 5 to 6)

The story of Prophet Sulaiman with the ants | قصة النبي سليمان مع النمل

duration: 4 mins


THE BLESSINGS OF ALLAH – The Most Powerful Islamic Reminder Ever

Duration: 4 mins 

Solomon and the Queen (Quranic storytelling)
Duration: 42 mins Please note: this link is to be used as a Teacher resource to comprehend the story of Prophet Sulaiman AS in the Quran in detail.