Learning from Home – High School – Lesson 8

Lesson 8:  Islam in Practice – Night-time habits

Lesson outcome:

  • Students recall some actions to do in the evenings which were recommended by the Prophet SAW including, sleeping with Wudo, sleeping on their right, sleeping after Isha, reciting Quran like the 3 Quls, Ayat Al Kursi, and performing istigfar, and night prayers.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the link below to watch lesson recording.

Please note: lesson recording combines both day and night time habits.

Please don’t forget to like the lesson video and subscribe to ISRE YouTube channel

Step 2: Download and print from the link below Duaa Sheet. Use this as a handy reference to help remember the daily duaa.

Step 3: Check out suggested supplementary videos and links if you would like to learn more.

Dua before going to Sleep | Understand & Memorize Duas The Easy Way | 5A

Dua Before Going into the Bathroom Toilet – Lavatory- Protection against Jinn


Sunan That Helps You Sleep Better ᴴᴰ ┇ #SunnahRevival ┇ by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary ┇ TDR Production┇

A Habit for the Evening | Deeds to Habit

The Dhikr Driver